"I'd like to tell you a story."

BOB GORDON (Nevada Bob) was born in Alaska in 1939. As a young Navy man, he traveled the world. Stateside, he met the love of his life, Carol Newton, a tall black-haired beauty and the heroine of his ironically titled memoir. They married, and Bob became a Seattle cop. After being fired for improper conduct—around the time his astronaut cousin Richard Gordon was orbiting the moon on Apollo 12—he vowed to change his ways. Bob moved Carol and their four kids (eventually, there were seven) to Oregon, marking the beginning of an adventurous, hard-working life. After Carol died in 2020, Bob wrote and recorded a song for her for his album, Long Train To Nowhere. Today, Bob continues to write and record country music, travel, and enjoy the love of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His tongue-in-cheek titled memoir, 50 Years with the Wrong Woman , celebrates the highs and lows of a spirited, challenging life. Nevada Bob Gordon, a husband, father of seven, Navy man, po...