Maria of Sentir Cubano Calls Nevada Bob's Memoir the Story of a True American Hero

In the heart of Miami's Little Havana there's a wonderful little store named Sentir Cubano. When Nevada Bob Gordon was in Miami this fall he discovered this hidden gem on Calle 8, a store dedicated to Cuban culture. Nevada Bob met owner Maria Vazquez they hit it off famously. Maria described him as a true American hero. " Bob is part of the culture we present here in the store. Hard working, successful, positive people.... He's like an All-American Cowboy... He's an amazing person. It's commendable when you are 83 and still going," Vazquez said. Maria and Miguel Vazquez opened the store in 2001. "It was time to create a store dedicated to Cuban culture," she said. Thus was born Sentir Cubano. Maria shared some of her own story. "Our parents brought us here (to Miami) when we were kids, in 1960-61. As we were growing up we didn't fully appreciate our background. But when we became older we discovered afresh how rich our culture is. We...