Fifty Years Ago: The Beginning of Nevada Bob's Bout with Cancer

Nevada Bob, telling it like it was. Photo: Gary Firstenberg One of the scariest words in the English language is weighted with so much emotion that we often avoid saying it altogether. Instead we call it the C-word. Chapter six of Nevada Bob's 50 Years with the Wrong Woman details this experience that he went through. The chapter is titled My Ailment. Here is the opening paragraph and then a portion from a several pages later in the book. My Ailment In early summer of 1972, about a year or so into living on the river in our log cabin, I noticed a light brown color in my urine. rough the next couple of years, the light brown turned to blood-red streaks. I felt strong and healthy, but I was naturally concerned. I sought the advice of a urologist, Dr. Fisher, in Medford. He gave me a quick exam and told me the blood could come from a variety of sources and the fact that I appeared healthy and strong suggested to him that I really had nothing to be alarmed about. Leading up through 1...