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If You're Passing Through Fort Worth, Check Out the Cross-Eyed Moose Antique Store

Shari Hatfield of Cross-Eyed Moose Antiques in Fort Worth, Texas, is now selling Nevada Bob's 50 Years with the Wrong Woman in her store. The Cross-Eyed Moose has been tempting folks with collectibles and rare home furnishings for over 35 years. Nevada Bob's memoir would be a perfect addition to your coffee table.

Thank you, Shari, for your support.
Photo credit: Gary Firstenberg

You can visit the Cross-Eyed Moose on Facebook here:

Not planning a trip to Dallas-Fort Worth in 2022? 

Many libraries add to their collections based on requests from patrons. Ask your library and your local bookstores to carry it as well. Thanks! So far every Amazon review is Five Stars. 


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