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Nevada Bob Finishes Album Six in Nashville

Way down South, they have a Studio B
The country folks had a jamboree
They're drinking home brew from a wooden cup
The folks dancing got all shook up

This photo was taken at RCA Studio B. This is the original piano from back in the day. Elvis himself played it many times.

* * * 

Nevada Bob is still having fun. Here are some of the photos Gary Firstenberg took this week as Bob laid down another set of tracks backed up by some of Nashville's best. Special shout out to Charlie McCoy who makes Bob and every other musician feel at home here in the Capitol of Country.

* * * 

Drummer Charlie Bayers
Nevada Bob with Drummer Ray Von Rotz (L) and the
captain of the General Jackson Showboat (R).
Joanna Ottley from Chicago writing lyrics for "Me and Bobby McGee."
 Joanna also sang backup vocals for "Night Train to Memphis."
Nevada Bob with Charley McCoy and members of Bayer's band.
Thanks for your down home hospitality.

If you can't find Nevada Bob's 50 Years with the Wrong Woman 
in your local bookstore, you can purchase it


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