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Nevada Bob Update and a Link to Some Cowboy Jokes

Another happy Nevada Bob fan.
"I lost my wife's copy of Nevada Bob's audiobook," Jack said, adding, "I'll probably never hear the end of it."

* * * 

It's fun to have fans. And Nevada Bob seems to be gathering them. Tall and lean, the modest octogenarian loves to engage with people. Sometimes he's just looking for an opening to sing one of his songs like Bad Movie Blues ("Sometimes life is like a bad movie") and other times he may fall back to one of his favorite covers like House of the Rising Sun.

This young man on the right side of this page enjoyed meeting Bob. 

NEXT WEEK Nevada Bob is returning to Nashville to record a new album. If you happen to be there and see a tall, lanky guy in a cowboy hat, ask him to sing you a song or tell you a story. His book 50 Years with the Wrong Woman is full of good stories. As for songs, there are a few of those included in the audiobook version of his memoirs, which will be going live any day now on Amazon.

Here are a couple more images from Nevada Bob's latest visit to New Orleans with photographer Gary Firstenberg.

In front of the home of Fats Domino.

Nevada Bob, ambassador for Nevada, with New Orleans ambassador Anzie Adams.

In the meantime, here's a link to more


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